In one day, in the village flower story is Maling Kundang. Maling Kundang is to have a mother and father have no Maling her alias orphans. His mother named Soimah are known to be very indulgent Maling Kundang. Maling Kundang and her mother's life is very poor he lived in a hut that houses a very small, if it rains it rains, if the hot heat, and if the cold night. Maling was completing his graduate study in education ITB, also known gunsmith smart, diligent, and not overbearing.
6 Months Later
Maling was completing his thesis that a thief has the task of determination when it is finished he will be looking for work. Yes it is very difficult to find work as a scholar, but is not nothing but a loss to menggajinya vacancies. Thief had already become unemployed since 6 months after he graduate. Maling was looking for a job based on their educational background, "hmmm" and not also get. After searching where to get it and even theft thief began to think. "That is hard to get a job that fits her skill or education level" says Maling. After applying for a job even theft locker broadcast Jabar see the compass membanca in the paper. He also discovered PT.Indorama S2 are in need of education with education lane. the thief was sent a cover letter to apply. Burglar and indirectly immediately get a response from PT.Indorama. ie you have to follow the interview alone. Hehehhe opportunity to participate in an interview thief "Maling said," Following the interview turned out to be a thief and burglar cas cis cus b.inggrisnya and received by the factory. Because the manager who interviewed named Mr.Hakim which is known cas cis cus really b.inggrisnya, "said Mr.Hakim" oh great you mean by S2 educational background I've ever interviewed only english still banya "" eeeeee "" congratulations joined PT. Indorama now "said Mr.Hakim. And then the thief has the determination to a few years later began his career thief and jumped her way to get along with, friendly, smart, and not overbearing so a thief for 3 years working in a factory he had become a production manager hehe blowing machine, (awful work in the engine blowing girls can see that keceh) "Maling said".
A short time later Maling want to buy clothes at the market Friday.
And thieves in the market jalan2 Friday he met a beautiful woman, the woman called roro Jonggrang bodynya asoy Geboy like spanish guitar that is able to attract the attention of laki2
After the thief Kundang intention to marry the woman, and she was asked to complete the 1000 ceramics in 1 night, ok roro Jonggrang not matter to me and the thieves rushed to his friend that the contractor was to complete 1000 for ceramic vase Plered in 1 night. ok no problem leave me a thief. (The expert contractors named Alvarez).
One day his mother would go to Purwakarta because he was a thief who really miss not being met gunsmith for 3 years. He is a thief and his factory There is no thief, burglar and his mother was told by an employee there "bu no thief thief no longer complete the job in 1000 Plered ceramics to marry Roro???" ".. oh yes ma'am and then rushed to the thief in Plered he wants to see a thief, it was never his mother arrived at dawn Plered-dawn.
Mother thief: "oh my dear thief Ajah where you are"
Sangkuriang: "not a mother, I am not a thief"
Mother thief: "nak time you do not know the mother? Same well you've forgotten that you've sepertui mother and want to marry Roro?? the basis of the prodigal son "
Sangkuriang was confused because the mother does not believe the thief Kundang and consider him a thief Kundang.
Moments later
Sangkuriang thief cursed her into stone????
And sangkuriang could not finish 1 ceramic Plered again is due to the late morning around 7.
Then along Maling Jonggrang was going to Plered. Burglar wanted to prove to Jonggrang roro roro that he loved. Arriving at the thief met Plered sangkuriang. Please check ceramics yet unfortunately already in 1000.
Sangkuriang whisper silent thief: "I have not worked on one thief ceramics again, but your mother's bothered me at the time I want to finish first again apologize thief"
Burglar: "then where my mother"
Sangkuriang: "I curse your mother had become stone and it has been stored there"
Maling was angry with sangkuriang and then meet his mother who has become the rock.
Then roro was angry at the thief since 1000 but not less than 1 999. "Thief turns out you lie to me kata2 you just bulshit!!!!"
That there is a rock called that forms over a rich man who dideket green mountain
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